
Use the `Accept` header or `accept` query parameter to choose `text/html` or `application/json` as output.

Use the `login` link to log in to the system.

CORS requests are allowed.


The `login` link redirects to the Google OAuth2 login flow, and then back the `redirect-to` query param used when loading the `login` link.

In the final redirect, the query parameter `token` will be your OAuth2 token.

Use this token as the URL parameter `token`, or use it inside an `Authorization: Bearer ...` header to authenticate requests.

Source code

The source code for this service can be found at https://github.com/zond/diplicity.

Patches are welcome!

Creating games

Most fields when creating games are self explanatory, but some of them require a bit of extra help.

FirstMember.GameAlias is the alias that will be saved for the user that created the game. This is the same GameAlias as when updating a game membership.

FirstMember.NationPreferences is the nations the game creator wants to play, in order of preference. This is the same NationPreferences as when updating a game membership.

NoMerge should be set to true if the game should _not_ be merged with another open public game with the same settings.

Private should be set to true if the game should _not_ show up in any game lists other than 'My ...'.

    "User": null